About Us

For over 10 years, GlobalWide Media has been a leader in data-driven marketing.

About Us

GlobalWide Media is a data-driven digital marketing leader, providing premium media solutions for the world's leading brands and agencies.

Powered by data science, GlobalWide Media connects advertisers with high performing audiences through direct response and brand campaigns. Using thousands of unique proprietary data points, our technology makes accurate monetary predictions, maximizing brand awareness and profit.

With multiple international locations, campaigns in over 100 countries, and delivery partners in 80 locales, GlobalWide Media has the expertise and reach to exceed your expectations.

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For the past ten years we have delivered unparalleled results across key consumer verticals and distribution methods. In addition to generating over 5 million monthly conversions and $3 billion in annual sales, our clients choose us for thought leadership, proprietary data and brand safety prioritization.

Key Platform Stats:

  • $3 billion in annual sales generated for our advertising partners
  • 50 million mobile app installs
  • 24,000 campaigns in over 100 countries
  • Over 2 billion global audience profiles
  • 60 billion ad requests per day from over 240,000 websites and 70,000 apps